Rabu, 19 November 2008

Theo Walcott

Moment prove x'self.
One sigh thrown by Fabio Capello as coach of timnas inggris. he feel insuffiency of resource of player of inggris [of] because too predominated by all foreign player [in] premier leanggue, highest competition in country prince carles. " my situation worse compared Marcello Lippi. In premier Leangue there's only 35 gratuity of local player. Comparing with italia reaching 72 gratuity " complain he.
his profit, in resource which the minim, slipped between some pearl. one of them is Theo Walchott. moment first time witness game of player which one this, allured Direct Capello. no wonder if player origin of this arsenal always in skuadnya since januari ago.
So far, walcoot not yet got full (of) belief remember performanya still be labile with The Gunner'S. Even, scorpion face republic of ceko at 20 of last agustus, he only become decorator of reserve bench. But, a lot of assess walchot will become one of especial team Capello because typical which like robinho and casano.
Personal Walchot ready for replying belief Don Fabio . " I will always best menunjukan appearance before Capelo. I will always exploit existing opportunity." say he. ”I very like to reside in timnas senior during the year this. hopefully I can play at nicely and hold out there.”
Farther, he the confidence will prove in timnas. reason of, he have more experienced and solid progressively with existing player. " I have resided in timnas since Cup of World and accustomed have the interaction with all existing player. that make I progressively coalescing with team." word he.
nowadays, required by player birth 16 maret 1989 is a opportunity. if that come and he able to exploit it better, ascertained Capello will more and more to put his belief to he. but whether there will be that opportunity??

Rabu, 05 November 2008


In structured house tanggabanyak entertainment amusement appliance equipments from fundamental component electronics, for example radio, television, phone, audio cassette recorder, and the video. That appliance is often referred as by electronic goods.
Electronics of sharing also as activator of industrial appliance, like machine in factory and plane machine. these days the electronics is almost used at all of equipments, start from jackstraws till the research. Thereby, clear that role of electronics of vital importance in our life. However, whether/what such that in fact by elektonika? any kind of fundamental component electronics?

A. Kinds of Fundamental Component of Electronics

Electronics is branch of science of electrics learning besaran-besaran of magnet electrics. component of Electronics consisted of by two shares, that is active component and component passive. Active component is component of electronics working if there is source of current from PLN, taking example dioda and transistor. Meanwhile, passive component is component of electronics which can work without rationing the energy ( source of current from PLN), for example resistor, capacitor, and the inductor.

1. Resistor
Resistor represent passive component to get certain resistance. others, resistor function to divide voltage and limit electrics current amount at one particular conductor. Legalistic the mentioned of ohm following.

R = Resistor (W)
V = tension (V)
I = electrics current (A)

Big minimize nya resistor determined by several things, that is pursue type, long of wide penampang kawat,dan [of] penampang strand of metal ( A).
What will be this relation component ? its relation earn in making into equation:

R = resistor (Ώ)
ρ = specific resistance
l = long of strand of metal
A = wide of penampang.
public Type Resistor is the in form of tube with two foot/feet of tenbaga [in] right and left. At body of there are circle of gyrate of code of colour to facilitate wearer recognize big of resistansi without measuring the level of with Ohmmeter. Code of the Colour is standard of manufaktur released by EIA ( Elektronic Industries Association) such as those which for of at table of following.

Draw 1.1 Resistor.
Warna Nilai Faktor Pengali Toleransi
Hitam 0 1
Coklat 1 10 1%
Merah 2 100 2%
Jingga 3 1.000
Kuning 4 10.000
Hijau 5 100.000
Biru 6

Violet 7

Abu-abu 8

Putih 9

Emas - 0.1 5%
Perak - 0.01 10%

Tanpa warna - - 20%

Resistansi read from colour of most next bangle up at bangle of tan tolransi, red, bullion. Generally the colour bangle of this tolerance be at body of most resistor [of] corner or also widely is more uppermost, while colour of first bangle rather a few/little into. Thereby the wearer have direct know how much tolerance from resistor. If you have deflected to determine which] first bangle hereinafter is read value resistansi


Elementary Interest:
1. Student recognize and comprehend Ianguage structure Pascal
1. Student able to differentiate structure component Pascal Ianguage
2. Student able to make program with Ianguage Pascal
3. Application Student a or algorithm flowchart to Pascal.
1. Scheme from Pascal program shall be as follows:
Program name_program.
[Lable declaration ]
[ Declaration Konstanta]
[ Type Declaration]
[ Variable Declaration ]
[ Declaration Subprogram ]
Statement ;

2. Variable
Variable (changer) represent an name implying computer memory location which can used for saving assess, where its contents earn diubah-ubah. Variable can be looked into as abstraksi from location. result Abstraksi from variable is value from that variable. Assess from an variable altered by assignment statement. A assignment statement composed from a its his left variable begin and an expression on the right.
Sum up := B1 + B2
variable sum up altered by its value become value from expression B1 + B2 after evaluated. In an Pascal program of each every variable to be used beforehanddeclaration, where each;every variable have tohaving type. Variable declaration of good forgiving information to compiler and also assistprogrammer thinking clearly and planer.

B1, B2, sum up : integer

3 Type / Type of Data
When a declaration variable hence its type is at one blow determined. Type from anvariable express
a. Value type which can be kept in location memory for the the variable, ( limiting values gathering which can be had the variable)
b. Operation type which can be done to pertinent variable
4. Statement
Statement is consecution of instruction to be executed by computer. Statement in Ianguage Pascal consisted of by two kinds of, that is a. Simple Statement that is statement which
1) Assignment Statement that is statement what is used assign value to an
variable. Follow the example of :
2) Statement used to call
procedure or function. Follow the example of :
calculate (a,b);
print ( a,b)
3) Jump Statement that is declaration used to skip statement other
b. statement Majemuk ( Compound Statement).
In Pascal Ianguage, statement majemuk early by begin and terminated by end.
Type 2 listing program in the following is:
1. Program 1.1 ( prog_1_1.pas) : Kenalan, Ask Your age and name.
program kenalan;
uses wincrt;
var name: string;
age: integer;
writeln('program kenalan');
writeln(‘will ask your age and name');
write(' typing of your name '); readln(name);
write(' how much of your age ( th) '); readln(age);
writeln('name = ', name);
writeln(age ( day = ', age*365);
2. Program 1.2 ( prog_1_2.pas) : Quantifying two integer.
program sum up number;
uses wincrt;
var a,b sum : integer;
writeln('program count two number circular');
written(number 1 '); readln(a);
write(' number 2 '); readln(b);
sum up := a+b;
write('sum two number ');
C. the Ambit 1. Scheme from program of Pascal shall be as follows:
Program name_program;
[ Lable declaration]
[ Declaration Konstanta]
[ Type Declaration]
[ Variable Declaration]
[ Declaration Subprogram ]
2. Variable
representing a[n name implying location
memory of computer which can be used for
saving assess, where its contents earn diubah-ubah
3. Type / data type
Representing declaration of variable mentioned before playing the program so that earn menyimpan value matching with type of data mentioned.
4. Statement
Representing consecution of instruction to be executed
by computer.