Rabu, 05 November 2008


In structured house tanggabanyak entertainment amusement appliance equipments from fundamental component electronics, for example radio, television, phone, audio cassette recorder, and the video. That appliance is often referred as by electronic goods.
Electronics of sharing also as activator of industrial appliance, like machine in factory and plane machine. these days the electronics is almost used at all of equipments, start from jackstraws till the research. Thereby, clear that role of electronics of vital importance in our life. However, whether/what such that in fact by elektonika? any kind of fundamental component electronics?

A. Kinds of Fundamental Component of Electronics

Electronics is branch of science of electrics learning besaran-besaran of magnet electrics. component of Electronics consisted of by two shares, that is active component and component passive. Active component is component of electronics working if there is source of current from PLN, taking example dioda and transistor. Meanwhile, passive component is component of electronics which can work without rationing the energy ( source of current from PLN), for example resistor, capacitor, and the inductor.

1. Resistor
Resistor represent passive component to get certain resistance. others, resistor function to divide voltage and limit electrics current amount at one particular conductor. Legalistic the mentioned of ohm following.

R = Resistor (W)
V = tension (V)
I = electrics current (A)

Big minimize nya resistor determined by several things, that is pursue type, long of wide penampang kawat,dan [of] penampang strand of metal ( A).
What will be this relation component ? its relation earn in making into equation:

R = resistor (Ώ)
ρ = specific resistance
l = long of strand of metal
A = wide of penampang.
public Type Resistor is the in form of tube with two foot/feet of tenbaga [in] right and left. At body of there are circle of gyrate of code of colour to facilitate wearer recognize big of resistansi without measuring the level of with Ohmmeter. Code of the Colour is standard of manufaktur released by EIA ( Elektronic Industries Association) such as those which for of at table of following.

Draw 1.1 Resistor.
Warna Nilai Faktor Pengali Toleransi
Hitam 0 1
Coklat 1 10 1%
Merah 2 100 2%
Jingga 3 1.000
Kuning 4 10.000
Hijau 5 100.000
Biru 6

Violet 7

Abu-abu 8

Putih 9

Emas - 0.1 5%
Perak - 0.01 10%

Tanpa warna - - 20%

Resistansi read from colour of most next bangle up at bangle of tan tolransi, red, bullion. Generally the colour bangle of this tolerance be at body of most resistor [of] corner or also widely is more uppermost, while colour of first bangle rather a few/little into. Thereby the wearer have direct know how much tolerance from resistor. If you have deflected to determine which] first bangle hereinafter is read value resistansi

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